She is our neighbor. When we first moved in, us and patrice were the only people on the third floor. She is a bald black crack smoking prostitute. The first thing she said to us upon meeting her was "YA'LL GOT A CIGARETTE FOR PATRICE?" Her room constantly smells like pee, and she will occasionally shit on the staircase. She does know her shit about crack though. Whenever we smoke, she is more than happy to aid us in any questions, and i don't really mind rolling up a cigarette for her every now and again. I walked up to my apartment the other day and heard sanford and son blairing from her room while she was cracked out.
She attracts the worst kind of people though. She has her apartmetn becauuse she is on SSI. She's the kind of person that will hang out at the drop in center all day, waiting for that montly check, so she can go on a 4 day binge and live like a king. Then the rest of the month it's hookin and food stamps.
On sundays, she will play gosspel music on her radio. Because god don't care how many dicks you suck, uh uh. Long as you repent on dat sunday.
We love her though, because without Patrice, avondale just wouldn't be complete.
Pics yet to come, will try to snag a picture of her somehow. :|
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